The vibrational effects of Sound Healing Therapy on a person’s body, mind and energy flow is an incredible inner journey everyone should experience. Tibetan singing bowls can generate a type of energy vibration to help reduce stress, heal pain or depression and create a deep sense of peace, well-being and better health. After sessions, clients can experience improved memory, clarity, vitality and the ability to take action. Results can vary from a deep sense of relaxation, to relief from physical and/or emotional pain, a sensation of lightness as the body lets go of past emotional and physical issues and the effects of the treatment can be felt for several days.
Sound Therapy is a non-invasive healing treatment which combines deep relaxation with a nurturing way to balance chakras and feel more centered and at peace. Using the vibration of Tibetan bells, Justyna works through each chakra to restore balance. This nurturing treatment helps to balance:
Stress & burnout
Exhaustion & fatigue
Chronic pain
Insomnia & poor-quality sleep
Physical and mental tension
Headaches & migraines
Hypersensitive nervous system
Pain from physical trauma
Joint problems
Support for healing for various health and emotional issues
Balancing chakras
Increased life force energy
Mental clarity
Relief of chronic fatigue syndrome and depression
Reduce pain and discomfort from fibromyalgia
Justyna is a trained Yoga Instructor who has runs classes at Nuffield Health gyms and The Hurlingham Club. Having experienced the healing experience of Tibetan sound bells therapy during a yoga retreat, she qualified in Sound Healing Therapy in 2019.
Tibetan Sound Therapy: £75 per hour
Justyna is available to book at the Metrospa on Tuesdays or any day after 4pm.
For men or women. Wear comfortable clothing.
For further information or to book a session with Justyna, please contact her on kwiatkowska44@wp.pl or 07783135320 (quoting ‘Richard Ward’).